Thursday, July 26, 2012

lIving the dream in real time...

So, here I be. I started making jewelry and I love doing so. I have been an artist my whole life, and always loved jewelry!! what girl doesn't?! I also love collecting things on walks, bones, stones, shells, feathers. and incorporating them into wearable art is so satisfying at such a deep level!
Lately though, I have been concentrating on what I DONT have. Such as, I want to work with metal sheets. In order to do this, one needs quit a bit of stuff! Punches, dyes, welding equipment, if PMC is used, a kiln is needed. I have been quit taken with the idea, but have not acted on it. And I find I have been frozen in my work.
I am going into the lab today and see if I can crank out some new stuff. I have tons of crystals, wire, rosary chain, stone, but no way to drill holes into any of it. Everything I have tried to use to drill into stone has failed. So, stuck.
I have an image in my head of using sheets of stone, small monolyths, and topping it with a texturized metal with a rivet in it. sooo coool. so Me!

I call these Bling Blang Bracelets!! Love em! Very Rock n Roll ish and comfy too! The silver is Sterling Silver beads.

Sea Glass from local beach old dumpsite, wood with real barnacles attached from the beach!

 Fun to make, but it took a few days! Reworking and balancing it. Shell from local beach, old African coin, button,herkimer crystal. Treated sterling silver beads, black glass rosary beads, crystal chain.
Roman coin on old beach glass wiht garnet, black pearl and shell.

If you've found me, let me know what ya think!love to hear from you!! Keep pursuing your dreams!